There is a big difference between labradorite and moonstone, and it’s important to distinguish these two because some jewelers make up false names that confuse buyers. Today, we will make sure that you won’t be confused anymore, and you can buy gems with confidence wherever you may be.
Table of Contents
Difference Between Labradorite and Moonstone
What is Labradorite?

Labradorite Stone
Labradorite is a type of feldspar that is often formed in gabbro, norite, and basalt formations. Labradorite can be the most abundant mineral when mined, and there is typically no shortage of it in locales where it is mined in commercial quantities.
Some (but not all) Labradorite exhibit the schiller effect. The schiller effect occurs in the crystal’s internal structures, where light scintillates in different ways because of the internal crystalline structure.
The schiller effect is based on the term labradorescence or the ‘glowing’ effect of this gem. Labradorite mineral has a nominal hardness of 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, and the cleavage intersection is from 86-94 degrees.
There is a class of labradorescent minerals, and Labradorite is at the top when it comes to the level of glow. It cannot be easy to differentiate this mineral from other feldspar classes within the same family.
What is Labradorite Uses?
Due to the otherworldly interaction of light within the Labradorite matrix, it is often called “rainbow labradorite.” This is a most peaceful gemstone to have, spiritually and metaphysically.
The unique type of Labradorite comes from Finland and is called the Spectrolite. This gem is associated with the crown chakra, throat chakra, and the third eye chakra. It can also be used by three signs, Sagittarius, Leo, and Scorpio. The ruling planet of Labradorite is Uranus, and it follows the Water element.
Labradorite is a stone of transformation. Use this gem to cleanse yourself of old habits and improve your capacity for transition and change. If you are struggling to learn something new or establish a new habit, use stones with a transformative value.
Labradorite also benefits the aura, as it provides a shield and a way to charge your aura, as well. Since it is linked with the third eye chakra, Labradorite can be used to trigger psychic events and enhance and nourish your different psychic abilities. Those who are already awakened may use it to amplify their natural talents for the good of all.
When you use Labradorite, you will notice that you are getting stronger and wiser, and more resistant to problems. Anyone’s spiritual energy will benefit even with a short meditative routine with Labradorite.
What is Moonstone?

Moonstone stone
Moonstone is a type of feldspar, but it has a light or visual effect unique to its mineral class – it had adularescence. Adularescence is a faint, inner glow that lays just below the surface of the mineral.
It’s very notable because you can spot the adularescence even in dim light conditions. The ‘floating light’ effect is very mysterious, so it’s no small wonder that people love collecting moonstones.
Moonstones also have a dynamic appearance when the light source suddenly moves or if you change the angle from where you’re looking at the moonstone. This mineral is something that you’d want if you are into mysterious-looking gemstones at home.
Where does the adularescence come from? If we look at the crystalline structure of this mineral, we will see very thin layers of albite and orthoclase. These structures are only microns thick, but their refractive indexes are wildly different. When light enters the mineral, it is refracted, bent, and then scattered across the crystalline surface. The interaction is not unitary because of the differences in refractive indexes.
What are Moonstone Uses?
The moonstone is one of the most amazing gemstones for healing and mystical work. It operates at the vibrational frequency of four and is associated with the water element. It is also the gemstones of Scorpios, Libras, and Cancers. Use moonstone to achieve the following:
- Attaining the wisdom of the Universe and your ancient ancestors
- Gaining abundance in your life (not just wealth)
- Establishing strong, new beginnings
- Enjoying safe and worry-free travel wherever in the world
- Easier childbirth with less mortal risks
- Gaining important spiritual insights
- Gaining hope in all situations in life
- Experiences all kinds of love
- Establish yourself as a genuine humanitarian with a deep understanding of your causes
- Developing a non-selfish attitude toward others and life in general
- Developing mother instincts and tendencies for the benefit of family, friends, and those around you
- Having a more nurturing path in life and gain a better understanding of what nurturing truly means
- Attracting better fortune in life
- Experiencing happiness that satisfies life
Truly, no gemstone is more appropriate for starting something new in life than the moonstone. This is the most peaceful stone that carries with it plenty of power. It nourishing what is within, so your inner self and inner voice can grow side by side. Self-expression is extremely important for growth, so it pays to strengthen this side of your identity as well.
How to Identify Labradorite and Moonstone?
Sometimes, marketing terms can make identifying moonstones and Labradorite complicated. Labradorite is not a type of moonstone, that’s for sure. Moonstones belong to the gem class called ‘orthoclase,’ while Labradorite belongs to the family of feldspars. Moonstones also have a much lower refractive index compared to Labradorite. These gems will refract light less, but this doesn’t make them any less beautiful. Feldspars are also softer, so very hard metal tools can’t clean them. Both gems can be cleaned using ultrasonic cleaners and appropriate cleaning solutions..
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