While most adults can have their noses pierced, you must know how to take care of a piercing after getting one. Discover the do’s and don’ts of nose piercing today.
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Nose Piercing Aftercare
Getting a nose piercing is usually on people’s minds when they have maximized most of their earlobes’ space. If you plan to get one on the nose, don’t worry about the pain too much because this is one of the least painful areas to pierce. However, it does take longer to heal compared to the earlobes.
A newly pierced nose will require regular cleanings and disinfections if you want it to heal quickly. Regular cleaning will remove traces of discharge as well as any physical debris on or around the piercing. Debris is particularly harmful as it can introduce infections and trigger an allergic action in the piercing. Both the jewelry and the piercing have to be in good shape throughout the healing process.
The aftercare process for nose piercings is pretty straightforward. You will be required to clean the pierced area with a specialized cleansing solution (recommended by the professional piercer) or a commercial saline solution. Commercial saline solutions are used to clean all kinds of facial and body piercings because they work so well.
There are various methods for applying saline solutions.
The first method is just pouring the solution over the affected area. This is what we call a quick rinse.
If you observe crusting around the piercing, you have to gently clean the area with a clean cloth or cotton balls. Be careful with wiping the area gently with cotton balls as it may snag the head part of the piercing. Do not rub vigorously or, worse, scrub the area. The healing tissue is sensitive, and you may end up with swelling and pain if you do.
Always clean the area with a clean cotton ball or a newly washed piece of cloth.
Do not reuse old cloth – use a fresh one, because if you use one from yesterday, the cloth may already be inundated with bacteria. We are trying to reduce bacterial exposure as much as we can.
Dos and Don’ts After Nose Piercing
Taking care of a fresh piercing is always tricky because there are many things that you can’t do with it.
The Do’s

Things you should do after nose piercing
– Do regularly cleanse the piercing and the adjacent area with the right solution. We recommend using a commercial saline solution for most cleansing. Unscented soap is suitable for cleaning, which is different from disinfection and cleansing. When you say that you are cleansing an area, you are actively clearing it of bacteria and other pathogens.
– Do be careful when wearing clothes as some fabrics can snag.
– Do monitor your piercing, so if there are any changes, you will consult with your physician.
What Not to Do After Nose Piercing?

Things you should not do after nose piercing
– Don’t touch your piercing, even if it is habit-forming. The first few weeks are the adjustment period for your skin. There will be a bit of pain and inflammation. This is the acceptance and adjustment period for the piercing, and it’s reasonable to see a bit of redness around the area.
Often, the first reflex when something hurts on your face is to touch it. This is the most common trigger for moderate and severe infections – when your fingers make contact with the open wound and bacteria and other pathogens are transferred to the wound.
– Don’t use sanitizing agents like hydrogen peroxide and 70% rubbing alcohol. These are fine for sanitizing your hands against COVID-19, but they are not suitable for open wounds, especially fresh piercings. You can use them to sanitize a wound; these antiseptic agents tend to cause cellular and tissue damage.
When there is cellular or tissue damage from the antiseptic, the healing time may be extended. We don’t want to delay the healing period because we want your piercing to be dry and fully healed as quickly as possible.
– Don’t play with your nose piercing jewelry. This may be hard to stop in the beginning because it’s fun to touch facial jewelry. However, this has the same effect as handling the piercing itself.
– Don’t ever share nose piercing jewelry with anyone, not even with family or friends. This is mostly unhygienic. It can also be problematic as other people may pass on diseases to you through the jewelry.
– Don’t force new jewelry into your piercing. Do not change the post that was initially placed by the piercer. You mustn’t change as this may introduce bacteria to the wound.
How Long Does It Take for a Nose Piercing to Heal?
Like all other piercings, the piercing process only takes a few seconds, but the recovery is far longer. At the minimum, you need a few weeks for the open wound to recover. If it doesn’t heal properly, the recovery period may stretch to a few months. You must follow the aftercare guidelines we have outlined above to shorten the healing period’s duration as much as possible.
What Nose Piercing Jewelry to Use?
The best type of nose piercing jewelry is the labret stud. Labret studs are ideal because they are screwed into place, and they are beautiful.
When and How to Apply to Make up After Nose Piercing?

When to apply make-up after nose piercing?
We know that applying make up after getting any kind of facial piercing is a big issue, especially for the ladies.
When is it safe to begin using makeup after a piercing?
The answer to this question is you need to wait for just a little to ensure that the initial swelling and pain have gone down. There is always a short phase after every piercing that the slightly painful skin. This is the acceptance phase, and as long as you provide the minimum aftercare needed by the piercing, you won’t have any problems.
After half a month, you can safely start putting on makeup again. Make sure that you avoid the wound itself, and make sure that no cosmetics block the piercing. Cosmetics can trigger allergies and even swelling.
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