Feng Shui plants are unique plants that can bring good fortune and health to a home or business. You can place Feng Shui plants in the living room for good luck and to attract riches into your life. We’ll teach you more about the correct Feng Shui plant placement in today’s blog post.
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10 Best Feng Shui Plants That Bring Fortune into Home
Money Plant
The money plant or Crassula ovata is the most well-known of all Feng Shui plants. It looks simple, and if you didn’t know it was a Feng Shui plant, you probably wouldn’t even notice it. It is said that the money plant is useful in harmonizing energies around a person. It breaks up conflict and allows confluences of energies to coexist without harming one another. It is a well-rooted and robust plant that also encourages personal growth. Place it indoors and expose it to bright light (but not direct heat of the sun).
How to plant it?
The money plant can be watered once a week, twice a week, or even less. It is not a sensitive plant at all.
Money Tree
The money tree, or the Pachira Aquatica, is another popular fortune-bearing plant that originates from South America and Central America. This plant is known mainly for bringing luck to whoever owns it. An old tale goes in Taiwan, an inferior man who asked the heavens for food. As he was walking, he encountered this plant and brought it home. He tended to the plant, and soon enough, he was able to multiply his plants by collecting the seeds. His fortune grew from the money tree. The money tree loves semi-shaded areas.
How to plant it?
You can water it once per seven days and get good results.
Lucky Bamboo Plant

Lucky bamboo is a well-known symbol of fortune and luck in China.
The lucky bamboo or Dracaena Braunii plant has been around for at least five thousand years in human history. It is a well-known symbol of fortune and luck in China. This plant is associated not just with luck, but also with honor and personal glory. The person’s power can also benefit from having this pant around. It is said that this plant can harmonize the five elements in a single person and space. If you want a more positive life filled with dignity and hope, find and buy this plant.
How to plant it?
The lucky bamboo plant only needs watering once a week.
Peace Lily

Peace lily is a fortune plant and air purifier.
The Spathiphyllum or the peace lily is a fortune plant and air purifier. This plant is so powerful that it can filter out harmful compounds in the air like benzene. Formaldehyde can also be scrubbed from the air. The peace lily can help improve positive energies in a given space, and it only needs a little light to survive. The peace lily can also thrive with artificial light, so if you can’t position it near the window, that’s fine.
How to plant it?
Water this one just once per seven days, and you should be good to go.
Golden Pathos
The golden pathos or the Epipremnum aureum is specifically a money plant. This Feng Shui plant is widely cultivated in India and is known for being a bearer of good luck and the best fortune. It has several names, including the ivy arum and the devil’s vine. Despite the intimidating name, there is nothing devilish or intimidating with the golden pathos, and you should get one for your home or place of business.
How to plant it?
The golden pathos does not require frequent watering and prefers indoor locations. This plant will survive either with natural light or artificial light.
Snake Plant

This plant is not only known for bringing luck to a household, but also a useful air filtration plant.
The snake plant or Sansevieria is usually purchased as a regular, ornamental houseplant. This lucky plant is also known as the viper’s bowstring hemp and the mother-in-law’s tongue. This plant is known for bringing general luck to a household. It is also a useful air filtration plant. It is known to remove toluene, xylene, benzene, and formaldehyde from the air. Some of these compounds are known to come from cigarette smoke, so if there are smokers at home, having air purifying plants can help scrub the air clean.
How to plant it?
Like other plants in this list, the snake plant is an indoor plant that does fine with shade and watering once a week.
The aglaonema is an arum type of plant that originates from countries in South Asia. This plant has been cross-bred with other plants, so there are several variants in the market. This plant is not suitable for temperate regions with bitterly cold winters. If you want to keep it and you live in a temperate zone, you have to ensure that you will have a stable place for it, temperature-wise.
How to plant it?
It does fine with shade and with consistent artificial light. This is the type of plant that will thrive with artificial light, so long as the temperature does not get too cold since it does originate from South Asia.
Spider Plant

Spider plant is a lucky plant because of its appearance, which some look like baobab trees.
The spider plant or the Chlorophytum comosum is a type of perennial herb that originates from some places in South Africa. It prefers warmer temperatures but does well as long as the house does not get too cold. It can also remove toxins and compounds from the air. VOCs, particularly, can be scrubbed clean. It is a lucky plant because of its appearance, which some look like baobab trees.
How to plant it?
You can water this plant once a week and still get good results. It is not picky with light sources.
Ficus Microcarpa
The Ficus macrocarpa is also known as the Chinese banyan tree and is one of the perfect indoor plants. It is one of the hardiest plants. It can survive even with regular neglect (which is not recommended, but still a most remarkable indoor plant).
How to plant it?
Water once a week or less, and make sure that it is in a shaded area of the house.
The Carmona plant has fragrant buds and has notably shiny foliage.
How to plant it?
It prefers bright lights (indirect) and can also thrive in the shade.