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Hydrogen peroxide is a type of antiseptic that is sold for the disinfection of the skin. While it is most famous as a kind disinfectant, it can also be used for various other cleaning purposes. We rounded up 15 cleaning uses for hydrogen peroxide.

15 Cleaning Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

1. Hydrogen peroxide for plantsĀ 

air purified indoor plants

Even though hydrogen peroxide is used primarily as a disinfectant, did you know that you can also use it to boost plants? Pure hydrogen peroxide may be used to supplement plants that are struggling to survive. It works because it helps plant roots acquire more oxygen. When there is increased uptake of oxygen, the roots also develop and become more robust. When this happens, it can begin taking in more nutrients, which helps the plant as a whole.

Utilize 35% hydrogen peroxide. Limit each application to about two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water. Spray the soil around the plant for the best results.

2. Homemade cleaner from hydrogen peroxide


Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a cleansing spray for wiping different physical surfaces. The ratio has to be right for the hydrogen peroxide to work correctly. If you can use it pure, you will get better results.

However, if you don’t have that much and would like to clean more surfaces, you can dilute once up of 35% pure hydrogen peroxide with no more than two US cups of water.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be a good jewelry cleaner, it can be used to remove tarnish and verdigris from different kinds of jewelry.

3. Sanitizer of retainers and toothbrushes

Hydrogen peroxide sanitise toothbrushes

Soak toothbrushes and the retainer in pure hydrogen peroxide can remove pathogens up to 85%.

Toothbrushes are notoriously dirty because theyā€™re in charge of cleaning the mouth. Since theyā€™re in the bathroom, they can also pick up harmful pathogens like coliform. To reduce the impact of these pathogens, you can soak your retainers and toothbrushes in pure hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes. Hydrogen peroxide can cut down pathogens by as much as 85%.

4. Teeth whitening agent


If you want to use a quick whitening agent to take care of your teeth, use hydrogen peroxide. The exact dosing varies, but many dental professionals recommend using 10% purity for oral applications. Commercial hydrogen peroxide comes in many formulations, so check the label before using it. Make sure not to overdo it as hydrogen peroxide can leave a strange feeling in the mouth.

5. Hair lighteningagent

use hydrogen peroxide for Hair lightening agent

It is generally accepted that when appropriately used, hydrogen peroxide is safe for lightening hair. However, consider going to a professional stylist for this as accidents do happen. Using the wrong concentration or using too much of this chemical can also cause hair damage or even chemical burns.

6. Remove mold and mildew in the dishwasher


Use a spray made of water and hydrogen peroxide to remove mold and mildew in the dishwasher.

Mold and mildew in the dishwasher is anything but amusing. Luckily, you can use a spray made of water and hydrogen peroxide to remove them quickly. Combine a cup of hydrogen peroxide and some water and spray directly on signs of mold and mildew in your dishwasher. This is also useful for mildew around faucets and around the sink. The hydrogen peroxide will take care of any odors that may arise from the growth of mold and mildew on tiles and sinks.

7. Cleanse your sink

clean sink with hydrogen peroxide

Use pure hydrogen peroxide to take care of the most stubborn stains on stainless steel and tiles.

Are you struggling with stains and crusty leftovers on your sink? Use pure hydrogen peroxide to take care of the most stubborn stains on stainless steel and tiles. For best results, douse a sponge with a quantity of baking soda and scrub with hydrogen peroxide. The baking soda will activate upon contact with the hydrogen peroxide and double the cleaning action.

8. General kitchen disinfection

General kitchen disinfection

Using pure hydrogen peroxide for cutting boards and similar implements.

Cleaning is different from disinfection. While cleaning can take care of some of the grime on stuff, disinfection ensures that virtually all of the pathogens on a solid surface are removed. We recommend using pure hydrogen peroxide for cutting boards and other similar implements. Soak their surfaces for at least ten minutes before rinsing.

9. Wash vegetables


Combine hydrogen peroxide with a gallon of water to wash vegetables.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best veggie washes in existence. For washing vegetables, donā€™t go for the super high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. You will just need a one-fourth cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Combine this with a gallon of water and use this as your first wash for all vegetables. For tougher-skinned vegetables, feel free to soak them in the solution for half an hour. Doing this will prevent vegetables from spoiling quickly, even if they are in the fridge.

10. Rescue grimy cookware


Surprisingly, hydrogen peroxide also works well in removing everyday grime found in cookery. Combine pure hydrogen peroxide (any concentration) with some baking powder or baking soda. Allow the baking soda or baking powder to activate and leave the cookware to soak for about three hours. Use a scouring pad to deal with the remaining dirt and grime.

11. Disinfect your garbage bin

Garbage bins are natural bacterial hotspots. Remove their smell and keep things more hygienic with hydrogen peroxide. Simply wash the garbage bin first with some soap and water. After rinsing, coat the insides by spraying a 1:1 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. Allow the garbage bin to dry for two-three hours under natural sunlight.

12. Cleanse your toilet

clean toilet by using hydrogen peroxide

Add half a cup of hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration) to your toilet.

We all know why the toilet needs a bit more attention than the rest of the house. The best type of disinfectant for toilets is hydrogen peroxide. Add half a cup of hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration) to your toilet. You can either spray it or just pour it over the rim. It will spread on its own. Wait for twenty minutes before scrubbing and rinsing. Feel free to soap down your toilet as well.

13. Make mirrors shine

Make mirrors shine by using hydrogen peroxide

A spray solution with a 1:1 ratio can help you clear mirrors.

Are you tired of grime all over your windows and mirrors? A spray solution with a 1:1 ratio can help you clear those glass panes and mirrors. Remove streaks easily by wiping down with some newspaper or a lint-free piece of cloth as well.

14. Clean porcelain

3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with some baking soda can brighten porcelain that has already yellow over time.

15. Remove soap residues

Soap residues are bothersome in the bathroomā€”coat residues with baking soda, 3% hydrogen peroxide, and some white vinegar. Use two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide max.