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Are you aching to know how to make blue green palette aka turquoise color? Do you want to know what colors go well with turquoise? We have prepared a special tutorial blog for you today.

All About Turquoise

Turquoise Color

Turquoise Color is mysterious and glamourous.

Do you love turquoise but have no idea as to how to make it yourself?

It’s time that you learned how to create turquoise from scratch. In the world of colors, turquoise is also known as aquamarine, and right off the bat, you may not be able to have access to this color if you are painting or coloring a sketch. But don’t fret, because we are going to teach you how to do it today.

There are several ways to get turquoise onto your palette. But before we teach you these methods, you must decide right now what hue/s and shade/s of turquoise you are after. Because unless you have a premixed can of paint with you, you will have to combine colors manually and adjust the colors until you get the desired hue.

The first step is picking the paints. Now when we say turquoise, we are referring to a color that is bright and vibrant, with blue taking the lead in terms of dominance. You can get turquoise by mixing shades of blue and green.

Each color has its spectrum, so you can play around with the colors by adding additional colors to produce samples from within the turquoise spectrum. Globs of white can be combined to lighten the color, while shades of grey will, of course, produce darker renderings of turquoise.

If you are after the kind of turquoise that is bright and will just pop while you are painting, we advise you to find bright versions of blues, greens, and yellows as these will truly bring out the kind of turquoise that will play with light well. In some instances, you might need turquoise that isn’t so bright so the resulting image after coloring or painting will look more morose. This process is called subduing and as we have mentioned earlier, this is accomplished by adding darker colors to the mix.

What about the paint medium?

Turquoise color

Mixing turquoise color for your DIY projects is not difficult.

In reality, the medium doesn’t matter that much, but we still recommend that you use that same type of paint when combining colors. So if you are more used to using acrylic paint, combine acrylic paints. However, if you are pressed for time and you have no other recourse, it’s possible to combine acrylic and oil, or water color, but don’t expect to get the best results with combinations like this one as some of the components of the combined paints may separate.

If you can find a premixed turquoise paint, it is still possible to lighten or darken the turquoise with the help of additional colors such as blues, whites, greens, and various shades of yellows. A small addition to the turquoise base color will provide opportunities to tweak the resulting pigment. You will likely be preparing various shades of turquoise as you go along with your painting, so be patient, and don’t give up with the color manipulation.

What if you are a newbie with painting?

There’s nothing wrong if you are a complete beginner, and you will be able to combine colors at home even if you are just experimenting with them. We highly recommend acrylic paint to beginners because acrylic paint is generally more forgiving to beginners, and it’s also easier to find high-quality acrylic paint supplies online and in stores.

Acrylic is also an easy-to-combine medium and you won’t have to purchase large, expensive tubes in the beginning. You can buy smaller tubes from different brands and experiment with color theory to your heart’s content. When you purchase art supplies from a store, try to ask the assistant what colors or brands of acrylic paint will blend well with turquoise.

Experienced assistants in art shops will be able to point you to colors that will work extremely well when manipulating turquoise. However, you should also have a good idea as to what you need – do all your research before going to the store so you won’t feel lost.

What should you do if you need paler hues?

Turquoise Sea

Turquoise color can be easily found in nature.

Your best options for creating paler hues of paint are to use different yellows or white and combine them with the usual blues and greens. The specific type of hue that will work with your painting will depend largely on what you want to accomplish in the first place.

For example, if you are drawing a beach scene, you may want to use a warmer shade of white to bring out the natural opalescence of nature scenes. Natural light can be challenging to approximate, but with sufficient experimentation with colors, you will be able to do it.

How can you produce quality turquoise each time?

Turquoise color

Naturally found turquoise color in jewelry stone.

The trick is using blue paints that have a higher concentration of green, like cerulean, cyan, and cobalt. Ultramarine also works well with approximating shades of turquoise. We recommend this because when you are working with blues that already have a slight hue of green, the adjustments will be less challenging, and greens can be worked into the blue efficiently. While we encourage maximum experimentation, there’s no harm in making your work easier.

If you are a beginner, don’t worry – you can eyeball colors to see if they have more of a bluer bias or a greener bias. When you are in the art store, try asking for phthalo blue or phthalo green as these are excellent for mixing with turquoise. Don’t be frustrated if you cannot find pure blue paint, because blue paints will always be biased based on how much red or green is added to them.

Blues with a red bias are optimal for producing violet paints, while blues with more green pigments in them are excellent for shades of turquoise. How do I mix colors better? We recommend having your color palette when mixing colors, and if you happen to lack certain colors, remember that you can always create your own at home by mixing the paints that you already have.

How To Mix or Make Better Blue Green Turquoise Color Paint